Peoples pours time, talent and dollars back into the community
Our customers tell us they like being part of a bank that's so dedicated to the community. We are ambassadors for our community and involved as leaders, volunteers, and active members in initiatives to make our communities stronger--helping civic, education, youth, economic, housing and human service organizations. Our employees take pride in helping our neighbors with short and long-term needs and serving in various volunteer capacities throughout our Wisconsin communities:
- Teaching youth financial literacy through Junior Achievement
- Serving as board members and ambassadors while supporting business development with local chambers of commerce and economic development corporations
- Non-profit and professional affiliations
- Coaching and volunteering for youth sports teams
- Donating time and talent to United Way and agencies
Our employees don't just donate time and energy, they give with all their hearts. Check out our 2024 numbers:
- 69% employee participation
- 5,155 hours donated
- More than 35 volunteer hours per employee
- Over 1,442 volunteer activities
- $250,000 donated to community organizations
Peoples State Bank received the Governor’s Financial Literacy Award presented by Governor Scott Walker in 2017.
Spreading the Word
Find out more of what are employees are involved in by visiting our social media pages. Check here for the latest news about Peoples events and employees.
Our Neighbors Have Noticed Our Good Work
“People State Bank is a great partner who cares about making our community a great place to live, work and raise a family.”
- Jeff Sargent, United Way of Marathon County
- Jeff Sargent, United Way of Marathon County
“I like how often I see Peoples associates at local events volunteering their time to make our community a better place. It doesn’t go unnoticed.”
- Gary K, Peoples State Bank Customer
- Gary K, Peoples State Bank Customer
“When you work for a company that supports the community you love grow and prosper, it is easy to be passionate about your job. Peoples is an integral part of our community, and they do things the right way – open and honest.”
- Brandon Karaba, Peoples State Bank Employee
- Brandon Karaba, Peoples State Bank Employee